Recomendacion de musica
Soy DJ de Techno, y estoy buscando mas musica para poder mezclar ¿me recomendarian musica?
fraulein Z
Zombie Girl
oliver chesler, the horrorist
https://m.Fraulein Z - The Pharmacist
Fraulein Z&pp=ygUKZnJhdWxlaW4geg%3D%3D
haunted objects
https://m.Fraulein Z - The Pharmacist
Fraulein Z&pp=ygUKZnJhdWxlaW4geg%3D%3D
boaz ~ jachin (the kat, fucking nothing, seven days in a row)
https://m.Fraulein Z - The Pharmacist
Fraulein Z&pp=ygUbdHJleSB0aGUgZXhwbGFpbmVyIG95cmFtaWRz
https://m.Fraulein Z - The Pharmacist
Fraulein Z&pp=ygUaZGFyayBnZXJtYW55IHRoZSBob3Jyb3Jpc3Q%3D
dark germany der daijal
>fuck the police
>i can hear the police
>you can hear the police?
>yes i can hear the.police
ask them what i'm holding or if i do this for a fucking hobby
*got fucking nothing*
https://m.Princess Superstar - Bad Babysitter
!K7 Records&pp=ygUOYmFkIGJhYnlzaXR0ZXI%3D